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Cool Down Step

The Cool Down Step

The Cool Down Step is the first Step in a newly created Flow. We went over the basics of the Cool Down Step already when we were going over the Basic Editor, as the Basic Editor still uses Steps, just in a more visually simplified way. However, let’s go over the Cool Down Step in a bit more detail.

The Basics

The Cool Down Step does 1 thing and 1 thing only. It adds a cool down to how often the Flow can be run, this is particularly useful for command based triggers. The Cool Down Step is a special kind of Step unlike most other steps, as it is one of the few steps that is able to Cancel a Flow. This means that when a Flow is run, if the Cool Down is still active, the Flow will instantly stop running, and no other steps will be run.


Now let’s go over the available options for the Cool Down Step.

Per Chatter

The Per Chatter toggle allows you to set the cool down to be per chatter. If this toggle is turned off, the cool down will be global, meaning that if the Flow is run, it will be on cool down for everyone. If this toggle is turned on, the cool down will be per chatter, meaning that if the Flow is run, it will be on cool down for the person who triggered the Flow, but not for anyone else.

Respond if cooldown is active

The Respond if cooldown is active toggle allows you to set whether or not the Flow should respond to the user who triggered the Flow if the Flow is on cool down. If this toggle is turned on, the Flow will respond in chat with 1 of 2 messages, based on the Per Chatter toggle:

This command is on cool down for 20 more seconds.


You can use this command again in 20 seconds.

These messages will be sent as a reply to the original chat message that triggered the Flow.


The Seconds input allows you to set how long the cool down should be, in seconds. This input is a number input, and can be set to any number between 0 and 3600(1 hour). Setting it to 0 is effectively the same as just deleting the Cool Down Step, as it will not add any cool down to the Flow.